Avoid conflicts in the condo Did you know that living with animals, pets, in condos is one of the great causes of discord and fights between syndics and residents? Complaints such as noise, animal waste, attacks, are a constant in these spaces, and therefore are always on the agenda.
First of all, we need to remember that having a domestic animal within a unit is an exercise of the property right guaranteed by civil Code, and the restriction by the condominium administration can result in legal measures.
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However, even within their rights, the owner needs to follow rules so that everyone’s coexistence remains in harmony. That is, the animal cannot interfere with the peace, health or safety of neighboring residents. If there are problems that violate the internal regulations, the owner of the animal can be notified and fined.
Tips to avoid conflicts in the condo
we highlight some tips that if followed can help in this not always friendly coexistence.
Follow some simple practices that condominiums can adopt and thus make a difference within the condominium space.
- Develop newsletters – make newsletters constantly highlighting the rules for the movement of Pets.
- Install educational boards – the ideal is to choose places of great circulation to install these educational boards, taking care of the common areas.
- Install a Cata Caca support – This support provides bags for the owner to collect the animal’s feces. But remember to always keep it loaded. It’s no use investing in support and leaving it empty.
- Prohibit the movement of animals without tutors – Animals should only circulate under the care of a responsible person. The condominium may prohibit the movement of animals alone.
Rules that do not conflict with the law:
- The manager may require that the animals travel through the service elevators, inside the building only through the service areas, without being able to walk freely in the building;
- The trustee can prohibit you from circulating in common areas freely, such as swimming pools, playgrounds, ballrooms;
- The trustee may require the vaccination card to prove that the animal is in good health;
- The síndico can demand the movement of the pet inside the building only with the collar;
- The síndico can impose the use of a muzzle for the breeds provided for by law.
A few simple measures make living together easier:
- Cleaning up to date – keep cleaning indoors to avoid unpleasant odors.
- Avoid stress – the animals that cost a lot to bark, most of the time, are going through some stress. Avoid making your pet stressed. And for those who bark a lot when they are alone, an alternative is to leave the television on and a light on when going out, this will prevent the animal from feeling lonely and crying while feeling the absence.
- Put collars on the animals – it is essential to use the collar whenever you go for a walk with the animal. This avoid accidents.
- Respect the bylaws – it is important to know the rules, the limits imposed by the bylaws and follow them.
- Clean up what’s dirty – don’t let your pet dirty the common areas of the building and if it does, clean it up immediately.
The person who feels uncomfortable for some reason also needs to know how to deal with the situation. So here are some tips:
- Always talk – always seek dialogue first in a polite and calm way.
- Activate the liquidator – if the dialogue does not work, activate the liquidator, he will carry out the notification and possible fine.
- Take legal action – in the last case, the extreme, when nothing else works, there is the possibility of taking legal action and demanding your rights.
We believe the above article has given in the best tips to avoid conflicts in the condo.
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