The 14 best iOS 14 tricks for your iPhone


The arrival of iOS 14 has brought innumerable news to our iPhone. We have a new home screen with widgets and the Application Library, redesigns of the Siri or call interface, App Clips, Picture in Picture, and much more.

If you already have iOS 14 installed on your iPhone, surely you are looking forward to new tips and tricks. We’ve been testing it for a long time, so we have a lot to tell you.

Amazing iOS 14 Tricks

Change the default email client and browser

iOS 14 allows us to change the browser and the default mail app, they no longer have to be Safari and Mail . To configure another of these apps by default, the same steps must always be followed.

If you want to set Chrome as the default browser on your iPhone, for example, go to Settings> Chrome> Default browser app and select Chrome. This same setting appears in other browser and mail apps.

Use a photo as an album thumbnail

If you are one of those who have several albums in Photos, this function is for you. Just press and hold the photo you want and click Convert to main photo , it will now be the album thumbnail.

Mention in Messages

If you have an iMessage group, now you can mention a contact simply by typing the @ followed by their name , the message will be notified even if the chat is muted.

Discard call without rejecting it

The call interface has a new appearance, now it is a notification from which we can take the call or reject it. But there is also a third option and that is to discard it, the other user will continue to give tone but it will not bother you. You just have to slide the notification up.

Protect your ears

In iOS 14 the Control Center includes a new button that allows us to know if the sound can be harmful to our ears , it is heavy for when we use headphones.

Go to Settings> Control Center and add Hearing . Now you will see an icon with an ear in the Control Center, when playing sound through headphones we will see if the volume is dangerous.

Back button history

When we are browsing the Settings menu, to go back several steps we had to press the top right several times. But in iOS 14 we can press and hold in this area and a history will appear to be able to return to the section we want.


If you want to better preserve a memory of a photo, now you can add a caption from the iPhone app so that it stays saved. Just open the photo, swipe up, and add the text you want.


Selfies like a mirror

When taking a selfie with the iPhone, the image is inverted so that everything appears as we would see it , and some letters are read for example. But in iOS 14 we can eliminate this function and make selfies like a mirror.

To do this we go to Settings> Camera and activate Mirror front camera , it is located in the central area of ​​the settings.

Touch back

A shortcut to almost anything by simply pressing the iPhone two or three times from the back. In Settings> Accessibility> Touch> Touch back , you can configure this incredible function to, for example, take a screenshot or activate a shortcut that opens any app.

Create a smart widget group

In the new iOS 14 widgets we have an option to create a “Smart Group”. We can select several widgets that will be displayed as one, and Siri’s intelligence will change the widget throughout the day.

However, you can create this Smart Group of Widgets by dragging on top of each other on the home screen. Just press until the icons and widgets shake, and drag on top of each other.

Hide pages

If you have multiple pages of apps on your home screen, in iOS 14 you can hide them. Hold down anywhere on the home screen, click on the lower points, and select the pages you want to see or hide.

Eye contact on FaceTime

There is an option in FaceTime that modifies your eyes so that it appears that you are looking in front of the camera and not at the screen, so your contacts will see you better. Go to Settings> FaceTime and turn on Eye Contact .

Use volume button for burst

In iOS 14, new iPhones are compatible with QuickTake , a function that allows us to quickly record a video just by pressing and holding the button to take a photo.

But this function changes how the bursts are made, now you have to slide. But if you want the volume button to do bursts when you hold it down, you can activate it from Settings> Camera> Volume up button for burst.

Hide apps from the home screen

Thanks to the Application Library, we can hide the icons of the apps that we use the least . They will always appear in the Library to the far right.

All we have to do is hold down the home screen, or the app icon, click on Delete app and on Move to app library.


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