IoT in Healthcare: Some Amazing Use Cases


The digitalization of the healthcare sector is not new. However, in recent years, the revolution brought by the Internet of Things in the medical and health sector is astounding. The application of IoT in the healthcare sector, also known as IoMT (short for Internet of Medical Things) is changing the way healthcare professionals administer care for their patients and has a positive impact on the sector as a whole.

The global market for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is expected to grow by over $187.60 billion by 2028. Here are some of the amazing use cases of IoT in healthcare sector.

IoT in Healthcare: Some Amazing Use Cases

1.   Smart Labs

Thanks to IoT, today’s labs have gone smarter. These smart labs comprise lab equipment that can track and transmit the required data. The fast and smooth capturing and sharing of data help healthcare professionals and researcher to do their analysis on time and provide the required treatment to the patients.

Moreover, in case of an equipment failure, smart sensors can alert the professionals in the lab to take the required measures and mitigate any potential loss of product information and materials. Additionally, smart labs offer an improved collaboration medium between professionals and researchers and make it possible to bring new and improved technology to the market much faster.

2.  Diabetes Management

With around every 1 in 10 Americans having diabetes, blood glucose monitoring has become a vital business. In the conventional method, a pin is pricked on the fingertip of the patient to draw the blood sample and monitor the blood glucose levels. The inconvenience brought by this technique made many people reluctant to keep track of their health, often leading to serious conditions. That is where IoT comes; patients can use wearable sensors that can read glucose levels and integrate the data directly into a mobile tracking app on a smartphone. The data is then transferred and stored wirelessly so that the immediate contacts of the diabetic person can receive alerts when the device senses some irregularities in the blood glucose level.

3.  Wearables

IoT devices in the form of wearables collect various data points and provide information regarding patients’ sleep patterns, heart rate, blood glucose levels, temperature, and so on. The real-time information offered by these devices helps caregivers and patients. For example, in case of an elevated heart rate, the sensors can alert the nursing staff to give timely assistance to the patient. These devices are also particularly useful in elderly care when the patients don’t have enough physical capacity to rush to the hospital in case of an emergency.

You and your loved ones can benefit from these gadgets too, as long as you are connected to the internet. Make sure you have a reliable internet service for your home. You can consider Kinetic Internet services to ensure seamless internet connectivity at all times.

4. Augmenting Surgeries

IoT has penetrated operation theatres making surgery much more efficient. The connected devices and sensors powered by AI help perform various surgeries. These robotic devices increase the much-needed precision of these operations and help bring forth positive results. IoT devices also help streamline the activities of the medical staff at all stages of the operation and ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The collection and transmission of data promptly help record the tiniest details and prevent any potential surgical complications.

A recent use case of augmented surgery was seen in June 2020 at Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago. Dr. Frank Phillips, the lead surgeon used the Augmedics xvision Spine System to allow him to perform a lumbar fusion with spinal implants whilst having a 3D view of the patient’s spinal anatomy through their skin during the procedure.

5.  Pharmacy Management

Pharmacy management is a million-dollar business. Since there are multiple steps between manufacturing and transferring drugs to drug stores, there are many preventive measures that need to be associated with them. That is where IoT can help by offering tools and techniques that can ensure faster drug delivery, safer treatment, and improved patient care. Pharmacies powered by IoT devices and sensors can ensure improved surgical procedures, reduce errors in medical dispensing, and increase the security and satisfaction of patients.


The healthcare sector has gone digital in a big way, and IoT is playing a major role in this. By reducing cost, improving efficiency, and easing access to healthcare services, the Internet of Things is revolutionizing how the healthcare sector works. Smart Labs, wearables, augmented surgeries, and pharmacy management, are a few of the many use cases of IoMT. The future of IoT in the healthcare sector seems even more promising.



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