Real Estate Advertising: check out the 8 most common mistakes!

Real Estate Advertising check out the 8 most common mistakes!
Real Estate Advertising check out the 8 most common mistakes!

Real Estate Advertising: The real estate market is usually very competitive and, therefore, it is essential to find strategies to conquer space and stand out from the competition. In this sense, real estate advertising is an ally, helping to achieve, prospect and convert more sales.

However, there are some mistakes that tend to be made when advertising a property, which compromises the results obtained. Therefore, it is essential to know them and know how to avoid them so that your strategy works correctly.

To learn more about the subject, read this post, where you will learn about 8 most common mistakes in real estate advertising.

What is real estate advertising?

Real estate advertising consists of a strategy for promoting the products and services of a company in the real estate sector. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the presence of the business or professional in the market and attracting potential clients.

In general, this dissemination covers several media and can be intensified at strategic moments, such as project launches or commemorative dates.

With the evolution of platforms, adapting to changes in algorithms on social networks and observing trends are essential to reach the target audience. In this case, there is no fixed set of engagement metrics, as the success of a campaign depends on the objectives set by the marketing team.

Thus, the effectiveness of real estate advertising is influenced by several factors. Among them are:

  • Posting time: Choosing the right time to promote content can affect reach and engagement;
  • Compelling text: Content should be captivating and targeted to grab the audience’s attention;
  • Consistency of posts: Maintaining a regular frequency of posts helps maintain the company’s presence in the minds of potential customers;
  • Use of appropriate tools: It is essential to use the latest tools from social networks and other platforms to optimize the effectiveness of advertising;
  • Relevant content: Content should be informative and relevant to the audience, offering value beyond commercial promotion.

What is the importance of a good real estate advertisement?

As you have seen, real estate advertising helps attract customers, making them interested in your ad and, consequently, rent or buy a property.

Discover other advantages of investing in this strategy!

Attracts buyers and renters

Real estate advertising helps to attract the attention of potential buyers who are looking for properties to buy or rent. Well-designed listings highlight a property’s key attributes and make it more attractive to the public.

Increases visibility

The strategy is also capable of increasing the visibility of a property. In a market with high competition, having a strong presence in the media helps to make a house or apartment stand out among so many options, do you agree?

Informs interested parties

Advertising provides essential information about properties, such as size, location, price, and characteristics. This helps in the lead qualification process and allows buyers to make more informed choices.

Facilitates communication

In general, real estate advertisements serve as communication tools between sellers, brokers, and buyers. Then they can convey specific messages and details about the properties.

Builds the broker’s or real estate agent’s brand

Advertising is not limited to properties alone. It is also an opportunity to build the brand of brokers and real estate agents. In this case, effective advertising can help create an image of trustworthiness.

Facilitates trading

Detailed advertisements can make the negotiation phase easier, as buyers have a better understanding of what is being offered. In addition, the measure reduces the risks of misunderstandings during the process, since the interested party receives complete information.

What are the 8 most common real estate advertising mistakes?

Now that you know the concept of real estate advertising and its importance for the real estate sector, it’s time to know what the most common mistakes of this strategy are. By knowing what they are, it is possible to understand how they affect the customer experience and how to avoid them.

Check out 8 flaws to consider!

1. Lack of strategic planning

One of the most common mistakes in real estate advertising is the lack of good strategic planning. Many brokers and real estate professionals, enthusiastic about the opportunities of digital marketing, end up making this mistake because of the anxiety of entering the online world.

As such, they want to quickly run ads, reach a wider audience, and increase sales, without considering the importance of strategic planning. However, this can lead to disorganized and ineffective campaigns.

Also, without solid planning, advertising can become random and untargeted, resulting in wasted resources and time. To reverse this scenario, it is necessary to consider some factors before taking any action.

They include the definition of:

  • objectives and goals;
  • target audience;
  • budget and resources;
  • language and message;
  • communication channels;
  • partnerships and collaborations;
  • evaluation metrics.

2. Outdated website

Another common mistake in real estate advertising is having an outdated website. Imagine that a customer is interested in a property advertised on a real estate website, but when he contacts the seller he discovers that it has already been sold, rented or is under negotiation.

This lack of synchronization between online listings and the actual availability of properties can negatively impact the customer experience and lead them to look for alternatives on competing sites. In addition, this outdated can generate other losses, such as:

  • Customer frustration: When listings don’t reflect the actual availability of properties, customers may feel cheated and frustrated, leading to a loss of trust in the company and an unsatisfactory experience;
  • Negative reputation: Failure to update the website can damage the company’s reputation in the real estate market. In this sense, customers may associate the business with lack of professionalism and disorganization;
  • Waste of resources: Both customers and the company’s staff can waste time on communications and visits to properties that are no longer available;
  • Inefficiency in disclosure: real estate advertising aims to attract interested customers. If the ads are not aligned with the availability of the properties, the promotion becomes ineffective and generates unnecessary costs.

3. Lack of segmentation

Customer segmentation is a strategy used to separate them into smaller groups, using common aspects between them. The intention is to offer a more effective and personalized communication to the consumer, improving their experience and delivering relevant value.

In this sense, the lack of this segmentation is also a common mistake in real estate advertising. To get accurate results, it’s essential to identify and target the right audience, rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach.

In general, real estate advertising must be relevant to the audience for which it is intended. If the message is not segmented according to the characteristics and interests of the audience, it will not be effective.

In addition, segmentation allows you to direct resources, such as time and money, to reach potential customers who are most likely to be interested in the properties you advertise. This prevents the waste of resources on unqualified customers.

Finally, targeted messages are more likely to engage audiences as they address their specific needs, preferences, and interests. Thus, it is possible to increase the chances of attracting the attention and interest of potential buyers.

4. Little information about the properties

The lack of complete information about real estate is a common mistake in real estate advertising. With a competitive market, it is unlikely that a buyer will contact a real estate agency or a broker without first knowing if the house or apartment advertised meets what he is looking for.

To avoid this scenario, it is essential to provide detailed information about the properties advertised, even before a potential client gets in touch. In addition, complete information demonstrates transparency on the part of the advertiser and helps build customer trust.

Therefore, buyers feel safer when they have access to all relevant details about a property. Therefore, when advertising an apartment, for example, enter data such as:

  • number and types of dormitories;
  • number of bathrooms;
  • plant layout;
  • kitchen structure;
  • among other relevant points.

5. Low-quality images

It is very common for customers to access real estate pages or ad platforms and find photos that become distorted when enlarged for better viewing. Generally, the problem occurs when the photograph was taken in low resolution.

As a result, these images are unable to capture details and characteristics of the property in a clear way. This hinders the potential customer’s ability to accurately assess the location.

In addition, distortion and lack of sharpness in images can create a bad impression about the property and the real estate agency or broker. Customers may interpret poor image quality as sloppiness or unprofessionalism.

To avoid this problem, remember to always photograph properties in high resolution. If the images are too heavy for the platform used, it is possible to reduce the size of the figure in image editing programs, such as Photoshop Adobe and iOS Preview.

6. Not offering the full address of the property

In many real estate advertisements, it is common to find advertisements that show only the neighborhood in which the property is located, omitting the full address. While this omission may be motivated by security concerns, it can have negative consequences for the effectiveness of the ad.

Real Estate Marketing: Guide to Strategies That Work

This is because potential customers expect to find the full address of the property in their searches. The lack of this information can frustrate buyers and make them question the transparency of advertising.

Also, listings that do not include the full address may be left out of search results, as many buyers search for properties based on location. This process can result in the loss of visibility and contacts with potential buyers, jeopardizing the sale of the property.

In this case, if there are security concerns related to the disclosure of the full address, you can take some relevant measures. They include providing only the street name without the house or building number, offering scheduled and controlled visits, or discussing strategies with the client during negotiation.

7. Not describing the property in an attractive way

Although many advertisements provide detailed technical information about the property, such as the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and total area, they do so in an attractive way. To grab the audience’s attention, it’s essential to put an engaging description.

Here, the tip is to highlight unique and positive features of the property, such as good lighting, quiet neighborhood, or panoramic views to captivate those interested. Also, in a competitive market, advertisements with personality stand out from the rest.

By addressing the property’s differentials, advertisers are able to attract a more specific audience that is looking for these characteristics. Another tip is to highlight the information of the house or apartment right in the title of the advertisement.

For example: “A well-lit house for sale and close to the subway station”. This can make the ad stand out and receive a higher number of clicks. The idea is to show the value and differentials of the property in its description, making it unique to potential customers.

8. Photograph disorganized places

Posting images of disorganized locations is more common than it should be, which can undermine the effectiveness of real estate advertising. In practice, these corners of the mess can create a negative visual impact on photos.

The existence of objects out of place can distract potential buyers and prevent them from focusing on the essential features of the property. In addition, disorganization can generate a feeling of discomfort in customers who viewed the images.

In general, this issue negatively influences the perception of the apartment and, consequently, its attractiveness. To avoid these problems, one option is to schedule the production of images in advance and ask residents to leave the space organized.

This allows the photos to highlight the potential of the property and not the distractions of clutter. Removing construction materials such as flooring boxes and tiles before shooting is also recommended. In practice, these components pollute the photo and hinder the ad.

How to optimize the delivery of your ads?

The best way not to make mistakes in real estate advertising is to study good practices and have good partnerships. However, you can still take other steps to optimize your listings and your performance in the real estate market.

If you are a real estate broker, for example, having a partner like Loft can bring more opportunities to promote the properties. In addition, the platform seeks to work on the development of professionals.

Thus, in addition to having a channel that helps in the production and dissemination of ads for real estate advertising, you will have a reliable partnership to help with your professional achievements.

In this post, you learned about 8 common real estate advertising mistakes. To have more effective ads that catch the attention of your target audience, remember to carry out strategic planning and have partnerships that help you stand out!


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